
Work­shop and Exhi­bi­tion

The astro­nom­i­cal phenom­e­non of the equinox was the start­ing point of the work­shop, in order to analyse the rela­tion­ship between light and illu­mi­nated objects, spaces and move­ments, and to use it creatively. In this way, 30 design students from Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences liter­ally put things in a differ­ent light with their kinetic instal­la­tions.

14-part semes­ter work­shop at the Depart­ment of Design of the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. The work­shop is designed as a free creative exper­i­ment to sensi­tize the partic­i­pants for spatial light compo­si­tions and processes.

The kinetic light instal­la­tions created in the work­shop were presented at the end of the semes­ter within a cross-room exhi­bi­tion at the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences.

Pauline Müller
Pauline Müller
Annabell Nühlen & Emely Oehmen
Annabell Nühlen & Emely Oehmen
Charlotte Poos
Char­lotte Poos
Jan Buschmann
Jan Buschmann
Zeynep Özviran & Sena Yüksel
Zeynep Özvi­ran & Sena Yüksel
Klara Müller
Klara Müller
Klara Müller
Klara Müller
Selma Peifer
Selma Peifer
Part­i­capt­ing Students
Sophie Bark­mann, Jan Buschmann, Nicole Ehrlich, Julie Heinz, Damian Kreß, Pascal Metzler, Julia Mienk­ina, Karine Miller, Jule Möller, Klara Müller, Pauline Müller, Dana Notario, Annabell Nühlen, Emely Oehmen, Felix Oehmen, Zeynep Özvi­ran, Katha­rina Oberle, Enes Oruc, Selma Peifer, Natalia Peric, Lovis Platz, Lydia Plinke, Jan Podeszwa, Nora Poduschnick, Char­lotte Poos, Ilona Taplik, Sena Yüksel
Exhi­bi­tion Design & Coor­di­na­tion
Klara Müller
Felix Oehmen
lona Taplik
Emely Oehmen
Felix Oehmen
Frédéric Wiegand
Frédéric Wiegand
Semi­nar Concept & Super­vi­sion
Thomas Wirtz
Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Düssel­dorf