June 2024

Euro­pean Design Awards 2024

Silver for our new year’s card “Who cares what‘s writ­ten in the stars?”. We received the award at the Euro­pean Design Festi­val in Naples and are proud to be among the many impres­sive award-winning projects from all over Europe! You can see the whole project here.

Decem­ber 2023

Who cares what’s writ­ten in the stars?

For our 2024 New Year’s greet­ing, we wanted to share the starry sky of New Year’s Eve from above our studio with our friends. That’s why we’ve calcu­lated and frozen the exact view of the firma­ment on Janu­ary 1st, 2024, 00:00 am on a card. More views of the stars can be found here.

May 2023

Work­shop Intuit Lab Paris

Burn­ing Flow­ing Melt­ing Glow­ing — At our first inter­na­tional work­shop in Paris, we worked with 35 students to bring typog­ra­phy to life using a vari­ety of phys­i­cal processes. Many thanks to Intuit Lab Paris for the invi­ta­tion and to all students for the amaz­ing week!

April 2023

Rhein What??

On April 01, 2023 we had the honor, together with our dear colleagues from Morpho­ria and Prinzträger, to tell the design students of the Rhein-Wahl Univer­sity of Applied Sciences about our exper­i­ments. We are thrilled to have been a speaker at HSRW’s first “Rhein What” show­case and thank Michael Menge of Oppa Franz for the invi­ta­tion!

March 2023

Podest-Award for DMO

Together with our students from the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Düssel­dorf & Dort­mund Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, we made mate­r­ial visi­ble and audi­ble by the use of remote-controlled sound machines during the winter semes­ter 2022/23. We are pleased to announce that our Distant Mate­r­ial Orchestra won the Podest-Award, the first place of the audi­ence award, at the follow­ing exhi­bi­tion in Dort­mund. Congrat­u­la­tions to our students!

Decem­ber 2022

10 years Mifuma

Since its birth in 2012, we have been support­ing Misch­fut­ter­w­erke Mannheim GmbH in all design matters, from corpo­rate design, illus­tra­tions, pack­ag­ing design, and print prod­ucts to, of course, cine­matic prod­uct presen­ta­tions. For the 10th anniver­sary, we cele­brated the valu­able power gran­ules in gold — accom­pa­nied by Beethoven’s “Ode to Feed”.

Novem­ber 2022

Face off for FLUXI

In every agency you will find the oblig­a­tory kicker table as a symbol, work and toy for colle­gial togeth­er­ness. In every agency? UX&I is a UX consul­tancy that accom­pa­nies and supports at eye level. To trans­port this color­ful, free and human-centered work­flow cine­mat­i­cally, we designed an airhockey table that play­fully stages the logo, claims & pictograms. The entire “FLUXI” case is avail­able here.

Septem­ber 2022

Three crowns for the IAA

On the occa­sion of the IAA Trans­porta­tion 2022, we set the well-known logo in motion for the Krone Group on three differ­ent topics. In this way, the logo liter­ally gained substance in the sense of automa­tion, digi­tal­iza­tion and sustain­abil­ity in each case. Click here for the entire case.

August 2022

Fash­ion For Bank Robbers Exhi­bi­tion

Fash­ion For Bank Robbers Exhi­bi­tion

With our Limbo Cocoon and our Soap Mask we were repre­sented twice at the first @fashionforbankrobbers exhi­bi­tion in Munich’s Maxi­m­il­ians­fo­rum. Great exhi­bi­tion! Great people! Great open­ing! We are happy that we were part of it!

April 2022

Im Wandel der Stoffe 2022

After three semes­ters of digi­tal teach­ing, we finally had the oppor­tu­nity again to conduct mate­r­ial exper­i­ments with our students in face-to-face semi­nars, which were presented in an exhi­bi­tion at Düsseldorf’s “Atelier am Eck” at the end of the semes­ter. As part of the exhi­bi­tion, the students also initi­ated a fundrais­ing campaign for the UN refugee aid, which raised a total of 600€.

Febru­ary 2022


At the begin­ning of the year, we had a visit from kultur.west, the maga­zine for art and soci­ety in NRW, to whom we were allowed to give a little insight into our lab. The arti­cle, which appeared in the analog Febru­ary issue of the maga­zine, can also be read in digi­tal form here. Thanks to kultur.west for the visit!

Octo­ber 2021

Cover / Uncover Iden­tity

In recent months, the circum­stances of our getting to know and iden­ti­fy­ing each other have changed dramat­i­cally. Analog and digi­tal filters have found their way into our every­day lives, not least in the context of univer­sity teach­ing. We have made a virtue out of neces­sity and, together with our students, exper­i­men­tally explored the possi­bil­i­ties of disguis­ing, alien­at­ing, ampli­fy­ing, expand­ing or rein­vent­ing iden­tity. Among other things, you can find out about some of our Covered / Uncov­ered Iden­ti­ties at Fash­ion for Bank Robbers.

August 2021

Limbo Cocoon

Some­times our Exper­i­men­tal Fridays, where we freely exper­i­ment with mate­r­ial, yield results that take a little spin around the world. The crea­ture that hatched out of our Limbo Cocoon enjoyed great reso­nance (among others from Stefan Sagmeis­ter), far-reach­ing featur­ings (includ­ing Fash­ion for Bankrob­bers) and lots of inter­est­ing namings. The whole project is avail­able here.

July 2021

Hello / Bye Stern-Verlag

The urban field exper­i­ment, consist­ing of ten self-lumi­nous elec­tro­mag­netic dispos­able glove pendu­lums, is making another guest appear­ance in the KomKuK window. From August 17 to Septem­ber 10, the instal­la­tion in the shop window of the former „Stern-Verlag“ publish­ing house at Friedrich­straße 24–28 in Düssel­dorf invites passers-by to a greet-Laola. A small insight into the shop window can be found here.

June 2021

Distant Mate­r­ial Orchestra 2021

Last semes­ter we took another oppor­tu­nity to gain a new perspec­tive on our imme­di­ate and famil­iar surround­ings with our students. This time differ­ent sound machines out of every­day objects and mate­ri­als were created for our Distant Mate­r­ial Orchestra 2021. A big thank you to all partic­i­pants & helpers!

Video: Simon Fricke, Marco Spick, Svenja Rümler, Eliza­veta Vasileva, Jelena Lemesch, Yejoon Ur

May 2021

arte TWIST

“Rethink­ing mate­r­ial” On the occa­sion of this theme, a team from the cultural jour­nal arte TWIST accom­pa­nied us for a day during our labo­ra­tory exper­i­ments with soap, steel wool, slime and dry ice, up to the motion visual staged espe­cially for the program. The full length episode can be watched at arte Mediathek. Thank you to Yasemin Ergin and the whole team for the great report!

May 2021

KomKuK Window Loretto 9

How do the passers-by of the Loret­tostraße react to ten self-lumi­nous elec­tro­mag­netic dispos­able glove greet­ing pendu­lums? From 07 May to 04 June you can stroll past our alter­nat­ing pendu­lum game in the KomKuK window. A small insight into the shop window can be found here.

March 2021

Deutsche Welle Euro­maxx

This time we were pleased to open our lab doors for the Deutsche Welle Euro­maxx film team. And where there is already so much design poten­tial in the name, it is hard to resist a spon­ta­neous logo stag­ing. We would like to thank Serdar Vardar and his team for the excit­ing day and the great contri­bu­tion!

Febru­ary 2021

Lab time at WDR Lokalzeit

At the begin­ning of Febru­ary we had the oppor­tu­nity to give the view­ers of WDR Lokalzeit some insights into our labo­ra­tory and our work. We would like to thank Ina Reuter for the great report and the staff of WDR Düssel­dorf for the hospi­tal­ity on site from the make-up to the studio.

Janu­ary 2021

Soap Mask

Our Soap Mask does not offer protec­tion. However, we were able to enrich the lock­down with a few opti­misti­cally colored prospects. Fortu­nately, we have encoun­tered unex­pect­edly great feed­back. Thanks to numer­ous online maga­zines and blogs from vari­ous fields like Design­boom, Hype­beast and Fash­ion for Bank Robbers our airmail spread almost all over the world in no time. Click here for the project.

aerosoap is Cultural and Creative Pilot 2020
Decem­ber 2020

Cultural and Creative Pilots 2020

Every year, 32 inno­v­a­tive compa­nies are honored on behalf of the German Federal Govern­ment and Ministry for Economic Affairs as “Kultur- und Kreativpi­loten” of Germany. We are grate­ful and proud to be among this year’s title winners together with many other inspir­ing compa­nies! More about the award: www.kultur-kreativpiloten.de

Septem­ber 2020

Distant Mate­r­ial Orchestra

For our recent design work­shop series at HSD we stayed at home and gained a new perspec­tive on our imme­di­ate, famil­iar surround­ings by listen­ing to the acoustic prop­er­ties of every­day objects, common handles and textures. Check out the results of the student work at www.d‑m-o.net. Simul­ta­ne­ous play­back of the videos in the desk­top version allows indi­vid­ual scores from mate­r­ial sounds.

June 2020

Mifuma Grain Waltz

We have been support­ing Misch­fut­ter­w­erke Mannheim GmbH in all design matters since 2012. All the more reason for us to be pleased that our latest prod­uct stag­ing assign­ment will help us to remem­ber the Corona period as a masked ball in the cellar of our friends at grown videoa­gency. The whole film and further insights “Behind the Waltz” are avail­able here.

March 2020

Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf

Our presen­ta­tion at the fifth Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf anniver­sary on 28 Febru­ary 2020: “Take your time”. We are happy that we were able to give insights into our exper­i­ments to more than 150 visi­tors at this special evening! Great evening, great talks, great people! You can find our and other lectures from the Creative Morn­ings series under the follow­ing link: Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf

Febru­ary 2020

Happy Birth­day, CM DUS!

When you are invited to a birth­day party, you usually do not come empty-handed. Cake, presents, flow­ers… We decided to do what we do best: letting mate­r­ial speak. Here’s our liquid birth­day sere­nade for the Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf on Febru­ary 28, 2020.

Janu­ary 2020


“Present­ing things in a differ­ent light” — Follow­ing this guid­ing prin­ci­ple, 28 students illu­mi­nated three dark rooms of the HSD with inter­ac­tive, light-kinetic exhibits. The exhi­bi­tion was the result of the exper­i­men­tal semi­nar series at the Depart­ment of Design in the winter semes­ter 2019/20 under the direc­tion of Thomas Wirtz. Further insights will follow.

Decem­ber 2019

Liftoff 2020

Thirty seconds and count­ing. Astro­nauts report it feels good. T‑25 seconds. Twenty seconds and count­ing. T‑15 seconds, guid­ance is inter­nal. 12, 11, 10, 9 … igni­tion sequence start … 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 … All engines running. Liftoff! We have a liftoff … Happy new year 2020!