aerosoap - we let material speak

We let material speak.

We design commu­ni­ca­tion media that speak a univer­sal and emotional language: With the expres­sive­ness of phys­i­cal processes, we make infor­ma­tion visi­ble, expe­ri­en­tial and tangi­ble for the viewer.

Aerosoap is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary creative labo­ra­tory, founded by Thomas Wirtz and Frédéric Wiegand, which realises projects at the inter­sec­tion of art, design and science.

We use the design poten­tial of phys­i­cal processes to develop order-oriented and cross-media stag­ing for corpo­rate, edito­r­ial, exhibit and motion design.

This results in control­lable machines, kinetic instal­la­tions or inter­ac­tive objects of vari­ous kinds. The aim is to trans­form messages into tangi­ble expe­ri­ences that leave a last­ing impres­sion on the viewer.

In addi­tion, we convey our exper­i­men­tal design strate­gies within the frame­work of teach­ing and research at vari­ous univer­si­ties, as well as work­shops or live expe­ri­ences at trade fairs, events and congresses.

The Red Dot Best of the Best, the Bavar­ian State Prize for Young Design­ers and the Euro­pean Design Award are acco­lades already awarded to our works. Further, they have attracted inter­na­tional atten­tion in numer­ous print and web publi­ca­tions.

»Welcome to the exper­i­men­tal creative lab of aerosoap! A designer duo that puts every­day things in motion. With the help of physics and chem­istry, they stage their mate­r­ial, for exam­ple for spec­tac­u­lar corpo­rate videos.«

– arte TWIST

»It is hard to describe and at the same time simple yet fasci­nat­ing when you actu­ally see it. It is the contin­u­a­tion of Exper­i­men­tal Typog­ra­phy by other means and — by the way — a gener­a­tor of count­less new forms for fonts, logos, appear­ances and displays. It is a fasci­nat­ing source of inspi­ra­tion. It’s great!«

– Johannes Erler, founder and owner of Bureau Erler, on the “By the Way” project

Thomas Wirtz
During and after his Master of Arts in Commu­ni­ca­tion Design, Thomas gained expe­ri­ence as Art Direc­tor in vari­ous agen­cies for spatial design. He describes his exper­i­men­tal meth­ods of combin­ing typog­ra­phy with phys­i­cal processes in his award-winning master’s thesis, which he completed in 2016 at the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. Based on his research, he has been devel­op­ing exper­i­men­tal and trans­me­dia design concepts as an inde­pen­dent commu­ni­ca­tion designer since 2017, among others for the Adobe MAX Creativ­ity Confer­ence 2017 in Las Vegas. The design poten­tial of phys­i­cal processes also forms the content basis of his teach­ing at vari­ous univer­si­ties such as the UdK Berlin and the Hochschule Düssel­dorf.

Frédéric Wiegand
Before Frédéric completed his stud­ies at the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences in 2007 with a diploma in commu­ni­ca­tion design, he completed his train­ing as a sound engi­neer. By 2010, after several years of agency expe­ri­ence, he started his own busi­ness and since then has been work­ing in the areas of corpo­rate and edito­r­ial design for agen­cies and direct clients. With his affin­ity for music and tech­nol­ogy, he has already contributed to the musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment of vari­ous projects and devotes his atten­tion to the creation of new, func­tional appli­ca­tions and machines. Whether 3D print­ing, elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing or program­ming; he gets things moving!

Adobe Black Mirror Setup

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We are always look­ing to start new projects and create oppor­tu­ni­ties for coop­er­a­tion, open inquiries for live expe­ri­ences, work­shops and host lectures.

Contact …

Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences
Depart­ment of Design
Since winter semes­ter 2018|19

Intuit.Lab Paris
Visual Commu­ni­ca­tion Design
Summer semes­ter 2023

Dort­mund Univer­sity of Applied Sciences and Arts
Depart­ment of Design
Winter semes­ter 2022/23

Berlin Univer­sity of the Arts
Insti­tute for Trans­me­dia Design
Sommerse­mes­ter 2018

Work­shops & Speeches
Rhein-Waal Univer­sity of Applied Sciences
Speech „Burn­ing Flow­ing Melt­ing Glow­ing“
Kamp-Lint­fort 04/2023

Creative Morn­ings Düssel­dorf
Speech „Take your time“
Düssel­dorf 02/2020

Open Source Festi­val Congress
Work­shop / Live Expe­ri­ence
Düssel­dorf 07|2018

Baden-Würt­tem­berg Film Acad­emy
Semi­nar “Contem­po­rary Motion Design & Typog­ra­phy”
Ludwigs­burg 01|2018

Düssel­dorf Univer­sity
Mate­r­ial Matters, Gabi Schillig
Düssel­dorf 12|2017

Adobe Creative Jam
Lecture & Juror
Berlin 11|2017

Adobe MAX Creativ­ity Confer­ence
Exhi­bi­tion / Live Expe­ri­ence
Las Vegas 10017.

Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schwe­in­furt
Würzburg 05|2017

Open Source Festi­val 2016
Work­shop: Open Squares
Düssel­dorf 07|2016

Fair & Exhi­bi­tion
Podest Exhi­bi­tion
Dort­mund 04/2023

IAA Trans­porta­tion
Hannover 09/2022

Fash­ion for Bank Robbers Exhi­bi­tion
München 08/2022

Im Wandel der Stoffe
Düssel­dorf 04/2022

Düssel­dorf 07/2021

Im Wandel der Stoffe
Düssel­dorf 02|2019

Adobe MAX Creativ­ity Confer­ence
Las Vegas 10|2017

ADC Exhi­bi­tion
Hamburg 05|2017

MCBW Munich Creative Busi­ness Week
Munich 03|2017

DDC Good Design 17
Frank­furt 11|2016

Red Dot Design on Stage
Berlin 11|2016

rapid tech
Erfurt 06|2016

Euro­pean Design Awards
Silver Award | 2024

Federal Govern­ment of Germany
Kultur- und Kreativpi­loten | 2020

Euro­pean Design Awards
Exhi­bi­tion Design: Bronze Award | 2018

ADC – Junior­wet­tbe­werb
Silver Nail, 2017

Euro­pean Design Awards
Miscel­la­neous Cate­gories: Gold Award | 2017

Bavar­ian State Prize for Young Design­ers
Cate­gory Commu­ni­ca­tion Design | 2016

DDC – Gute Gestal­tung 17
Cate­gory Future: Gold Award | 2016

Red Dot Commu­ni­ca­tion Design
Best of the Best | 2016

Golden Award of Montreux
Talent Award Design | 2016

Arte Twist 04/2021
Deutsche Welle Euro­maxx 03/2021
WDR Lokalzeit 02/2021

Publi­ca­tions (Print)
Publisher: Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences
Depart­ment of Design 2019

Spaces of Commu­ni­ca­tion
Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences,
Depart­ment of Design 2018
Editor: Gabi Schillig

ADC Year­book 2017
Publisher: Edel Books
Publisher: Art Direc­tors Club für Deutsch­land e. V.

Year­book Good Design 17
Publisher: Spiel­bein Publish­ers GmbH
Publisher: German Designer Club e. V.

Cata­logue: Bavar­ian State Prize for Young Design­ers 2016
Bavar­ian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Tech­nol­ogy

Inter­na­tional Year­book Commu­ni­ca­tion Design 2016 / 2017
Publisher: Red Dot Edition
Publisher: Peter Zec

Novum Maga­zine 10|16
Publisher: Stieb­ner Verlag GmbH
Publisher: Dr. Jörg D. Stieb­ner

Étapes 231, Maga­zine 05|2016
Verkag Étapes Éditions
Publisher: Michel Chanaud

Chois Gallery Vol. 19, Maga­zine 10|2012
Publisher: Chois Publish­ing Inc.
Publisher: David Choi