Mifuma Grain Waltz

Filmic prod­uct stag­ing

Since its birth in 2012, we have been support­ing Misch­fut­ter­w­erke Mannheim GmbH in all design matters from corpo­rate design to pack­ag­ing design and print prod­ucts. In the process, we have been able to present the valu­able feed in a vari­ety of ways. For the filmic prod­uct stag­ing of the brand we could now really let off steam: The grain waltz shows the concen­trated energy of Vitalperle, Aktivmüsli & Co.

Concep­tion and design of a filmic prod­uct stag­ing, cutdown for start page, social media and trade fair pres­ence. The result­ing film mate­r­ial was to serve as a modu­lar system in order to do justice to the diverse areas of appli­ca­tion with corre­spond­ing thematic focuses of the brand.

To breathe life into the grains, we created a “cymatic stage” and made them dance to certain frequen­cies by remote control. The perfor­mance consist­ing of Chladn­ian sound figures, pictograms and slow-motion record­ings presents the entire prod­uct range. At the same time, the diverse mate­r­ial offers a construc­tion kit for future topic‑, animal- or prod­uct-specific brand commu­ni­ca­tion.

With a setup consist­ing of a custom-made Chladni plate, four bodyshak­ers, synthe­sizer, mixer and ampli­fier, the base­ment of the video agency grown became the loca­tion for our “cymatic masked ball” for three days.

The appli­ca­tion exam­ples range from prod­uct-specific stag­ing to online pres­ence.

Misch­fut­ter Werke Mannheim
Creative Direc­tion, Concept & Design
Frédéric Wiegand
Thomas Wirtz
Grown Videoa­gency