
Key visual for a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary sympo­sium

»A room is not defined by its bound­aries, but by its content« – a photo­graphic exper­i­ment symbol­ises the central idea of the sympo­sium at the Peter Behrens School of Archi­tec­ture in Düssel­dorf: eleven black acrylic letters and many litres of jelly give the room a visi­ble substance that refracts the light into a wide vari­ety of colours.

Naming and devel­op­ment of a key visual that trans­ports the theme of the multi­dis­ci­pli­nary lecture series on the contem­po­rary concept of space through a vari­able image motif. Design of posters, program book­lets and digi­tal visu­als, as well as design and program­ming of the website.

A large glass vessel with a special layer of jelly of vary­ing consis­tency makes it possi­ble to capture the refrac­tion of light into differ­ent colours photo­graph­i­cally. Like the theme of the sympo­sium, the object was illu­mi­nated from vari­ous posi­tions in order to obtain deep insights and views.

In the style of “float­ing typog­ra­phy”, the programme book­let, which serves as a poster on the back, is printed on 52 g/m² fine, news­pa­per-like paper. The typo­graphic concept of the website also breaks with the right angle of the clas­si­cal concept of space.

Peter Behrens School of Archi­tec­ture
Concept & Design
Thomas Wirtz
Nadine Nebel
Jan Mendzi­gall
Thomas Wirtz
Frédéric Wiegand