Im Wandel der Stoffe – Transitional Matters

Work­shop and Exhi­bi­tion

After its success­ful debut at the UdK Berlin 2018, the 2019 work­shop “Im Wandel der Stoffe” (The Change of Substances) at the Hochschule Düssel­dorf under­went its second stage. At the end of the semes­ter, 40 design students presented the results of their exper­i­ments with over 130 differ­ent substances in an exhi­bi­tion at the Galerie von neospek­tiv Düssel­dorf.

14-part semes­ter work­shop at the Design Depart­ment of the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. The work­shop is designed as a free creative exper­i­ment to sensi­tise both the partic­i­pant and the exhi­bi­tion visi­tor to phys­i­cal processes and their design poten­tial.

In addi­tion to visu­al­is­ing the results in image, film or object, a spatial concept for stag­ing the exhibits, a corpo­rate design with website, posters and other print prod­ucts were devel­oped together with the students and neospek­tiv Düssel­dorf.

The behav­iour of ephemeral fabrics offers a new aesthetic impres­sion at every moment that can simply not be repro­duced in an iden­ti­cal way. Whether fog, wind, water or fire — a complex system of vari­ous para­me­ters ensures that the viewer cannot predict the next moment of change, the next moment of diver­gence, mean­ing total random effect.

The change of differ­ent substances and the analy­sis of the fixed and stable set of rules, which repeat­edly evokes volatile and unsta­ble states of form, colour and struc­ture, were inves­ti­gated with the aim of using the constantly chang­ing shape of fabrics as a form of expres­sion on a multi­sen­sory level.

Emily Schoeme
Emily Schoeme
Cosima Dinort & Antonia Lübbars
Cosima Dinort &
Anto­nia Lübbars
Charlotte Meisl
Char­lotte Meisl
Annika Driessen
Annika Driessen
Jonathan Gnoth
Jonathan Gnoth
Cathrin Fürbach
Cathrin Fürbach
Darius Büsch
Darius Büsch
Rebecca Wieler
Rebecca Wieler
Mara Wolf
Mara Wolf
Part­i­capt­ing Students
Joseph Abramov, Luca Bres­cia, Michael Boucke, Dagmar Buchen­thal, Darius Büsch, Jasmin Dathe, Ghenwa Dehaini, Cosima Dinort, Merit Dippel, Annika Drießen, Kris dos Santos Castan­heira, Sinem Duran, Marie Vier­tel, Patri­cia Ekkert, Emilia Fischer, Maxine Friedrich, Cathrin Fürbach, Danial Ghods, Jonathan Gnoth, Lorenz Grohmann, Mariama Jeng, Joel Kimbangu Mundonga, Kylie Krämer, David Krieger, Lucien Kullat, Britta Khaeef, Anto­nia Lübbars, Char­lotte Meisl, Tim Minken­berg, Ksenia Niko­laeva, Rebecca Pajares Hammacher, Ellen Rohrbach, Emily Schoeme, Max Schropp, Victor Shohreh, Laurien Weber, Rebecca Wieler, Mara Wolf
Corpo­rate Design
Annika Drießen, Britta Khaeef, Jonathan Gnoth, Emily Schoeme
Exhi­bi­tion Concept
Lara Bechauf, Miriam Haus­ner, Anne-Cathrine Mosbach of neospek­tiv Düssel­dorf and Frédéric Wiegand & Thomas Wirtz
Exhi­bi­tion Photos
Max Brug­ger, Annika Drießen, Frédéric Wiegand
Semi­nar Concept & Super­vi­sion
Thomas Wirtz
Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Düssel­dorf